Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Cizur Menor to Puente la Reina 2013-09-10

Our route today consisted basically of a steady climb to a ridge festooned with wind turbines, then a long descent with some very tricky loose rock footing.  For the first while, we walked through beautiful farmers' fields, the fall colours and the ruggedness of the rolling hills accented by the early morning light.

Sunflowers, heavy with ripe seeds, ready for harvest, nodding for perhaps the last time.

We climbed to this row of turbines on the ridge:

Fall colors.

 Larry dropped back to take photos and we walked separately for a while, giving each other space, not that we needed it!

Hey, hay!

Longs rows of corn (?) surrounding a hamlet.

Fog rolling in.

A steep climb up past wind turbines.  It took half a day to get to them and they are impressively huge up close, but what really surprised me was the noise they make -- a loud swishing noise. You can just see Jan and Neil from Adelaide Australia walking together on the far right of the pic.  You tend to bump into the same people regularly and we spent 2 or 3 hours walking along with Neil today.

Metal cut outs of early pilgrims, with donkeys at the Hill of Forgiveness on the crest of the hill -- our highest point of the day.

Looking down the other side of the crest looking  over the valley we'll be walking through for the rest of the day:

And finally, we reach our albergue in Puente la Reina.  It's the low rise building in the centre left area.  It's run by the Reparadores religious organization -- the church tower and seminary attached.

Behind the albergue -- great place to laze away some time in the shade.  Our room overlooked this space. Only 5 Euros each.  Great deal.

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